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The Importance of Giving Chicken Pox Vaccine in Children

Chickenpox is an infectious disease that is vulnerable to be experienced by children. Chickenpox vaccine should be done since the child turns 1 year. Chickenpox is generally mild, but can cause more dangerous conditions in children. For example, severe skin infections, respiratory disorders, brain damage and even death.

The Right Time for Giving Vaccines

Chickenpox virus can spread through direct contact with people with chickenpox, even through the air. When people with chickenpox cough or sneeze, the chickenpox virus can spread through the air and transmit other people. This is the basis that chickenpox vaccination needs to be done. Chickenpox vaccine is a vaccine given to prevent the varicella zoster virus which is the cause of chickenpox. This vaccine is made from a virus that has been weakened so that when the vaccine is injected into the body, the body's immune system becomes better at fighting the varicella zoster virus. The Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) recommends giving chickenpox vaccine at the age of 12 months, with the best age before entering elementary school. If the vaccine is given to children over 13 years of age, chickenpox vaccine can be given twice as long as the interval is about 1 month.

Accelerate Healing and Prevent Complications

Although the chickenpox vaccine can make the body's immunity better against the virus that causes chickenpox, it does not mean that someone who has vaccinated is completely immune to this virus. The risk of contracting chickenpox remains, however, the risk of contracting transmission will be smaller or more likely to experience smallpox disease. This is marked by the appearance of rashes or spots that are fewer, heal faster, or do not have a fever when chickenpox infection occurs. In addition, chickenpox vaccination is also useful in preventing the occurrence of more dangerous complications due to varicella infections such as:
  • The appearance of scars or scar tissue
  • Cellulitis or bacterial infection of the skin
  • Pneumonia
  • Encephalitis or inflammation of the brain
  • Reactivation of the varicella virus that causes shingles.
  • Bleeding disorders to sepsis.

Side Effects

Chickenpox vaccine is able to fight the chickenpox virus, but there are possible side effects after vaccination. Generally, side effects that appear in the form of the emergence of pain around the arm where the vaccine injection. Mild fever may also be experienced after vaccination. Other possible side effects include headaches, coughing, nasal congestion, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain or difficulty sleeping. In more rare side effects, the chickenpox vaccine can cause a person to have a high fever which can lead to seizures, especially in children with a history of febrile seizures. Immediately see a doctor for proper treatment. For children who have cancer or diseases that attack the immune system, have just received a blood transfusion or are on medication, they should also be careful about receiving this vaccine. In addition, in children who have experienced allergies at the time of previous vaccination, administration of the vaccine must be more vigilant. This is the importance of presenting a child's health history to the pediatrician before vaccination. Consult with your doctor about the right time to give chickenpox vaccine to children. You can also ask more about the benefits and side effects, and how to overcome them.


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